TheBullzEye Hosting


Simple and quick — your cloud environment at the best price

Choose your web hosting plan

All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Ready? Set…load!

Do you know the first thing that helps a page run faster? Blazing-fast hosting!

Any business attains the much-needed boost in its online presence by choosing the best and fastest web hosting providers in the US.* Once you give your website an exemplary hosting service, visitors enjoy the smoothest web experience. Further, your users can navigate your whole website smoothly, leading to fewer visitors leaving your site early.

*Comparison results are drawn using Teamviewer Web Monitoring over 30 days from April 26, 2020, to May 26, 2020. The loading time is factored in from the US server locations. Our web hosting Linux Expert plan comparison is done against comparable plans from GoDaddy (Economy Linux with cPanel), Bluehost (Basic Web Hosting), and Hostgator (Starter 1 site).

Better Performance 100%

99.99% Uptime guaranteed

Georedundant infrastructure

To keep the business up and running online with 99.9% uptime, one must go with georedundant hosting services like ours. With two data centers constantly monitoring your data, your hosting will remain uninterrupted, even during maintenance and outages.

Furthermore, our progressive server-side security allows 99.99% uptime, and our server shield technology helps prevent DDoS attacks.

Stay Ready! Always!

Extensible performance management

We are not bragging, but you can adjust your project’s performance at any time —all because of our scalable performance levels. Just keep in mind that each additional performance level costs extra.

And don’t worry—as soon as the existing performance level reaches its limit, you’ll be notified via email. Thereafter, you can make adjustments as needed.

Easily compatible

All it takes is a few clicks to install apps

With our website hosting plan, you will enjoy a wide range of apps like TYPO3, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc., and you can choose any of them to create your website.

You can install any app for free, as per your need, using the Click & Build feature.

The WordPress plugin can also be installed, but we recommend a more comprehensive solution – TheBullzEye Hosting.

Award-winning Support Center


We are very proud to tell you that we have been awarded several times as a hosting solution provider, but 100% customer satisfaction is the best award for us. Cheers!

We Solve Real Problems

Things We Do For Our Customers!

Bandwidth that knows no limits

With 100% compatibility, you can enjoy Landigoo responsive site template elements on all mobile devices and modern browsers.

Traffic that never stucks in a jam

Well, this is just a bonus for your business because no visitor to your site will face delays or downtime.

Award-winning Support

If you need any help with the Landigoo template, just shoot it as an email or maybe leave feedback.

Free SSL Certificate

Enjoy a free SSL Certificate with all our plans.

High Security

Our security forces are super strong; they protect your site better than the Enterprise. So, May The Force Be With You!

Enterprise SSDs

With our SSDs, your site becomes capable of enduring heavy workload and consistent operation.

we love them

what our clients have to say

Meet Our Partners

They Believe In Us

Belief is a strong element. And it comes with a satisfactory transaction between two people. In this case – our customers and our hosting services. We just ensure that the said transaction stays smooth be making our customers feel satisfied with our hosting.